A bit of news for you

Posts from Emma Tee

Choosing the Perfect Candidate for Your Dream Team!

Ask any business owner what the most challenging aspect of owning their own company is and we can almost guarantee that almost all will answer ‘hiring’. When it comes down to it, choosing the perfect candidate is hard. Hiring is a headache, it’s why we’re here (if you need us, give…

By Emma Tee on Read more

Mastering Marketing: Unveiling the Traits of Top-Notch Marketers!

In our 35 years, we’ve met our fair share of successful Marketers (we wouldn’t like to know how many it would make us feel old!).  Throughout our years, the biggest lesson we’ve learnt is that success isn’t just determined by education or knowledge of the latest marketing trends and platforms…

By Emma Tee on Read more

AI vs. Marketers: Is AI Going to Take My Marketing Job?

“If this technology can go wrong, it can go quite wrong”. Those were the words to come from Sam Altman, the Founder of ChatGPT. This is also coupled with a recent report published by Goldman Sachs that predicts AI will replace 300 million full-time jobs. Both are concerning statements, so…

By Emma Tee on Read more

Quiet Quitting: What is it and how to prevent it?

12 months ago, the term “Quiet Quitting” was barely a whisper and by August 2022, Google saw the search term skyrocket! ? It’s a new phenomenon, a term on everybody’s lips and an issue that a good few employers are experiencing, with one in three UK workers reportedly citing that…

By Emma Tee on Read more