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Graduate Recruitment: Is The Job Worth Getting Out Of Bed For?

The news that graduate recruitment is on the rise and more graduates are being taken into roles is absolutely fantastic. One of the main reasons for the shortage of qualified, experienced candidates at the moment has to be attributed to the lack of candidates recruited at graduate level over the last three years.

By Emma Tee on Read more

Candidate Interviews and Creativity: “A Brick Or A Blanket?”

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the lack of candidates in the creative sectors, in particular digital and PR, is having a detrimental impact on many companies’ aspirations to grow. This is particularly apparent in the agency sector. Although in-house roles, which normally have more success in sourcing relevant candidates, are now beginning to experience the feeling of being unable to plug gaps in their workforce. So what’s happening with candidate interviews?

By Simon on Read more

Hiring Candidates: Why Didn’t You Buy The First Pair Of Shoes You Saw?

This is generally the muttering of my poor husband after being dragged round a million shops trying on endless pairs of shoes, only to go back to the very first shop we visited to buy the first pair I tried on. (Deep down, I knew were ‘the ones’!) Let’s face it, it’s a valid point and a sentiment probably echoed by a million other spouses. It’s really important though, isn’t it? No-one wants to spend their hard-earned cash and realise later in the day that there was a better/cheaper pair and you just didn’t make the time to look for them. And this can be applied to the hiring process.

By Emma Tee on Read more

How To Handle Negative Interview Feedback

It is unequivocally a royal pain in the derriere when you’ve been to one, two, or sometimes even three interviews, and you receive a response that says “we really liked you, but we’ve found someone that is a better fit”. It may be dressed up differently at times, but the bottom line is that you’ve not been successful. Receiving negative interview feedback is simply not a pleasant experience.

By Simon on Read more

Read Our PR Recruitment Survey Results

At AF Selection, we’re always looking to make sure we really understand the motivations of the people who work within our industry. That’s why we’ve conducted a survey about agency PR recruitment.

By Shanice on Read more