A bit of news for you

Posts from Emma Tee

Alleviate those return to the office fears

Freedom Day, a term specifically coined for Monday 19th July 2021. 

It’s the day restrictions lifted despite the growing number of cases and overall feeling that we’re not free from Covid. Splashed across the papers, the day made headlines, and while some were standing in queues at midnight eager to dance to mostly mediocre music on sticky nightclub floors (we’re showing our age here as music isn’t what it once was and generally it’s part of the pandemic we’ve not missed!) others felt great trepidation stepping out into a world where social distancing and masks were now things of the past.

By Emma Tee on Read more

How to become an ally

To build a welcoming, inclusive work environment, people need to be able to bring their true selves to work and feel comfortable in doing so. It’s why being an ally in the workplace is one of the most important roles you can play, either as an employee or an employer.

By Emma Tee on Read more

Spring Clean Your CV

It’s officially Spring! So, if your house is already spruced and shined to within an inch of its life, instead, use the time you’d usually spend dusting the cobwebs away to spring clean your CV and get it in tip-top condition.

By Emma Tee on Read more

How to Handle Personality Clashes

For years now we have watched Susanna Reid roll her eyes at Piers Morgan, morning after morning, and we can honestly say that we do not know how she has coped for the past 6 years!

By Emma Tee on Read more

Video Interview Tips

Unless you’ve spent the last few weeks huddled in a duvet in complete silence, then by now you will know that Boris has launched us back into another lockdown. Third time around and we’re certainly navigating it a little better than the first, and it seems that employers are too. 

By Emma Tee on Read more