A bit of news for you

Posts from Emma Tee

Would I hire me?

It’s probably the best question you can ask if you want to come across well at an interview. I use it prior to new business pitches and without question, it gets you thinking. You may not like the answer, but it will improve your outlook for the future. To generate a…

By Emma Tee on Read more

Would you pay for a stamp?

Applying for a job has never been easier.  Just hop on to one of the many job boards enter a few search terms and scroll through a list of all the relevant roles for you, press apply and you might not even have to attach your CV, the job board will do it for you. Then just sit back and wait for all the calls and interviews to roll in. 

By Emma Tee on Read more

Things we’ve learned in 2018

Well, what a year 2018 has been!  We’d love to say that it’s all been plain sailing, but, it hasn’t! We thought, as part of our Christmas message to you we’d include the top? things we’ve learned this year, which may or may not make you giggle – there’s also a bit of a caption competition featuring our very own Simon and a certain MP (clickbait?!).

By Emma Tee on Read more